전원근 (Jun, Won Kun)



전원근의 회화는 여전히 한결같고 또 끊임없이 변화하고 있다. 삶의 단방향 노선처럼, 그리고 물감을 차곡차곡 쌓아 올리는 그의 기법처럼, 전원근의 작업은 그 누구도 알아차리지 못하게 묵묵하고 겸손히 앞으로 향해 나아가고 있다. 정신의 성장과 숙성은 타인의 인정이나 공표가 사실 불필요하며, 매 순간 본인을 포함한 모두가 암묵 하에 공유하고 느낄 수 있는 것이다. 꾸준히 수행적으로 전진하다 뒤를 돌아다보면 성장한 개인과 사회가 보이며, 아무렇지 않을 것만 같았던 소소한 것들이 만발한다.

많은 노선 중에서도 ‘쉼’이라는 과정은 전진보다는 후퇴적 행위라 흔히 생각한다. 하지만 전원근 작가에게 쉼이라는 것은 앞으로 나아가는 것이며, 반복적으로 온 몸을 쏟아 부어야 비로소 이루어질 수 있는 심신의 비어짐이라고 말한다. 정직한 쉼은 또 다른 유희나 즐거움으로 다시 채울 수 없는 것이다. 채우고 비우고, 또 채우고 비우는 반복의 연장선이 그의 작업의 시작과 끝을 모호하게 만들며, 울림을 자아낸다.

오로지 네 가지 색과 붓으로 채우고 비워내는 손동작으로만 이루어진 간단하고 명쾌한 제한 속에서 심신의 안식을 느낄 수 있을 것이다.

작가는 1970년 서울에서 출생하여 추계예술대학교를 졸업하고, 독일 국립 뒤셀도르프 쿤스트 아카데미에서 헬무트 페덜레의 사사 하에 마이스터쉴레를 취득하였다. 현재도 뒤셀도르프에서 거주, 작업 중이다.

(전시서문 발췌 2017)

Wonkun Jun’s paintings are consistent as ever but also constantly evolving. Like the unidirectional route of life, and Jun’s unique technique of building up thin layers of paint one by one, his paintings are silently and modestly moving forward without drawing anyone’s attention. The growth of a soul does not require others’ acknowledgement or proclamation, but it can be personally felt and shared with others by a tacit consent. As one looks back after ascetically advancing forward, one can find him or herself and even the surrounding community already matured, and small things that seemed meaningless come into their full potential.

Many often think that the process of ‘pausing’ out of all the various routes that one can take in life is regressive rather than progressive. But for Jun, ‘pausing’ is to move forward; it is a moment when mind and body are finally empty after arduously devoting the body into repetitive labor. An honest pause cannot be replaced by other means of pleasure or entertainment. Jun’s continuous repetition of filling and emptying the canvas is an honest pause blurring the beginning and the end of his work and evoking a full resonance.

Within Jun’s paintings that consist of simple, yet clear restrictions using only four colors and his hand movement filling and emptying, one can find peace of mind and body.

Wonkun Jun was born in Seoul, 1970. He has graduated from Chugye University for the Arts, and Kunstakademie Dusseldorf as a master student of Helmut Federle. His works have been exhibited in Kunstverein Duisburg, Museum Kunstpalast Dusseldorf and Youngeun Art Museum, South Korea and many more. He currently lives and works in Dusseldorf, Germany.

– excerpt from exhibition text 2017




born 1970 in Seoul, South Korea
lives and works in Dusseldorf, Germany

1990-1996 Studies of Liberal Arts and Painting, Chugye University of Arts, Seoul
1998-1999 Studies of Liberal Arts and Painting, Kunsthochschule der Bildenden Künste, Brunswick
1999-2003 Studies of Liberal Arts and Painting, Kunstakademie Dusseldorf, Federle Class
2003 Degree as master student with Prof. Helmut Federle

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2022 New Perspective Galerie LVS . Seoul south korea
2022 Dear Lily Gallery shoobil , Antwerp Belgium
2021 painted Lines Gallery Werner Klein , Cologne
2021 Untitled III The Box Dusseldorf
2020 Farbe, Galerie Grewenig, Heidelberg
2020 Colors by colors, Galerie Klaus Braun, Stuttgart
2019 Colors on colors, Galerie LVS, Seoul, Korea
2018 The Rhythm of Repetition, shoobil GALLERY, Antwerp
2018 Scheinbar monochrom, Galerie artdepot, Innsbruck (with Ronald Kodritsch)
2018 Wonkun Jun & Gabriele Obermaier, Kunstverein Ebersberg e.V.
2017 Wonkun Jun, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2017 Wonkun Jun, Kunstverein Junge Kunst, Trier
2017 Wonkun Jun, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2017 Undefinable, Bräuning Contemporary, Hamburg
2017 Wonkun Jun, Galerie Klaus Braun, Stuttgart
2016 Wonkun Jun, Youngen Art Museum, Kyungido, South Korea
2015 Enlightenment, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2015 Wonkun Jun, Galerie Cubus-m, Berlin
2015 Wonkun Jun, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2014 INSIDE OF INSIDE, Bräuning Contemporary, Hamburg
2014 Farbe und Harmonie, Galerie Werner Klein, Köln
2014 Wonkun Jun, Jun Azumatei, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2013 Galerie m Beck, with Dr. Nicolaus Hipp, Homburg/Saar
2013 It´s me that you need, Galerie Cubus-m, Berlin
2013 Speaking in colors, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2012 Untitled2, Projektraum The BOX, Dusseldorf
2012 Wonkun, Jun, Galerie Artary, Stuttgart
2011 Wonkun, Jun – Resonance, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2011 Painting and Drawing, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2010 Kunstverein Duisburg, Duisburg
2010 Das Eine und das Andere, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2010 Untitled, Projektraum The BOX, Dusseldorf
2009 season opening, Galerie Katharina Krohn mit Yeunhi, Kim, Basel, Switzerland
2009 dialogue, Galerie Herold im Künstlerhause Güterabfertigung, Bremen
2008 Painting, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2008 Wonkun, Jun solo exhibition, Galerie S, Seoul, South Korea
2008 2 junge Koreaner, Galerie schreier & von metternich fine art, Dusseldorf
2007 Blue-vision, Hankeesook Galerie, Daegu, South Korea
2007 Because..., Galerie ON, Seoul, South Korea
2007 Because..., Galerie im National Goyang art studio, South Korea
2006 Im Raum, Kunstverein Heinsberg
2006 Basic element, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2005 Farbfeld, Galerie Konard Moenter KG, Meerbusch
2005 Neue Bilder, Galerie im Alten Schloss Gaildorf
2004 Abstraktion, Reduktion, Emotion, Galerie im Kultur Forum, Leverkusen
2003 Der stille Klang, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2001 MALEREI, Galerie Konard Mönter KG, Meerbusch
2000 Form, Farben und Facetten mit Andrej Henze, Galerie GRAVÜRE, Essen

Group exhibitions (selection)

2021 konkret-minimal-abstrakt city gallery in Pflegschloss,Schrobenhausen
2021 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Duesseldorf
2020 Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, South Korea
2020 Chang Ucchin Museum of Art Yangju City, South Korea
2020 2000 - 2020, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2020 Vielfalt der Farbe, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2018 Museum of ART Collection, Art Museum Osan, South Korea
2018 Abstract, Galerie Benjamin Ecke, Munich
2017 Clayarch Gimhae Museum Cubic House, Korea
2017 Galerie LVS, Seoul, Korea
2017 Clayarch Gimhae Museum Cubic House, Korea
2017 5, Bräuning Contemporary, Hamburg
2017 Europa Konkret II, März Galerie m beck, Homburg/Saar
2016 Konkrete Kunst im Spiegel der Zeit, Kunstverein Dahn im Alten Rathaus
2016 Tod & Wagnis, Galerie m beck, Homburg /Saar
2016 Abstract mind, CICA Art Museum, South Korea
2015 UNUNSEPTIUM, Galerie Artdepot , Innsbruck, Austria
2015 Korean fusion, Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2014 Artist, Portrait of the aesthetic soul, Kembosung Artcenter, Seoul, South Korea
2014 The Art House of Kuldoga City, Mark Rothko Art Center, Daugavpils Lettland
2014 Wonkun Jun, Barbara Döffler, Salz Dirk, Verein für aktuelle Kunst / Ruhrgebiet e.V., Oberhausen
2014 NEO CODE, Osan Kunstmuseum, Osan, South Korea
2013 Color, Form, Function, Galerie collectors contemporary, Singapore
2013 My Point of View, Galerie Lexington, Busan, South Korea
2013 Who´s afraid of Color, Galerie Kramer Fine Art, Hamburg Artweek
2013 So abstrakt!, Projektraum The Wand, Berlin
2013 Heartbreaker Kunstauktion, K21, Dusseldorf
2013 Alle Jahre wieder, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2012 Power 1, Hankisook Galerie, Daegu, South Korea
2012 Layer Players, Galerie Strzelski, Stuttgart
2012 25. Mainzer Kunstpreis Eigenturm 2012, Mainz
2012 Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2011 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2011 Künstler der Galerie, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2011 WonkunJun, ChunmoNam ,Sengtaik,chang, Toingin Auction Galerie, Seoul
2010 Toingin Auction Galerie, Seoul, South Korea
2010 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2009 Weiss auf weiss, Galerie schreier & von metternich fine art, Dusseldorf
2009 Wonderful pictures, ILMIN Kunstmuseum Seoul, South Korea
2009 Kunstpreis Sezession, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
2009 Jahresrückblick und Überraschung, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2008 Schwarz – Weiss, Galerie schreier & von metternich fine art, Dusseldorf
2008 Zur Kunst erklärt, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2008 Gegenstandslos, Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung e.V., Bonn
2007 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2007 Studio open, Galerie in der Goyang national artstudio, South Korea
2007 Galerie Gainro, South Korea, Seoul
2006 Ellwanger Kunstausstellung 2006, Kunstverein Ellwangen
2006 Große Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Villa Kobe, Halle (Saale)
2003 Galerie der Kulturfabrik mit Chun und Katarina, Krefeld
2003 STANDORT WECHSEL, Stadthalle Detmold, Detmold
2003 Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2002 Der Warteraum Schwarz, Rot und Gold, Atelier am Eck, Dusseldorf
2002 Nacht der Museen, Galerie am Stadtmuseum, Marlies Fischer-Zöller, Dusseldorf
2001 Stiftung von BILA DE BANK, Enschede, Netherlands
2001 EMPRISE ART AWARD 2001, NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Dusseldorf
Scholarships and grants
2016 Residence program Youngen Art Museum, Kyungido, South Korea
2013 Residence Mark Rothko Artcenter, Daugavpils, Latvia
2006-2007 living studio scholarship The National Art Studio, Goyang, South Korea
2004-2005 scholarship city painter Gaildorf
2000 award for the picture "Alles im Fluß", Plasmaselect, Munich


Kunstmuseum Kunstpalast Dusseldorf
NRW Kunstsammlung
Youngen Artmuseum
Konkuk University Medical Center
Kyunghee University
Hansol Hospital
PlasmaSelect AG Munich
Mark Rothko Art Center
Stadthalle Gaildorf

born 1970 in Seoul, South Korea
lives and works in Dusseldorf, Germany

1990-1996 Studies of Liberal Arts and Painting, Chugye University of Arts, Seoul
1998-1999 Studies of Liberal Arts and Painting, Kunsthochschule der Bildenden Künste, Brunswick
1999-2003 Studies of Liberal Arts and Painting, Kunstakademie Dusseldorf, Federle Class
2003 Degree as master student with Prof. Helmut Federle

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2022 New Perspective Galerie LVS . Seoul south korea
2022 Dear Lily Gallery shoobil , Antwerp Belgium
2021 painted Lines Gallery Werner Klein , Cologne
2021 Untitled III The Box Dusseldorf
2020 Farbe, Galerie Grewenig, Heidelberg
2020 Colors by colors, Galerie Klaus Braun, Stuttgart
2019 Colors on colors, Galerie LVS, Seoul, Korea
2018 The Rhythm of Repetition, shoobil GALLERY, Antwerp
2018 Scheinbar monochrom, Galerie artdepot, Innsbruck (with Ronald Kodritsch)
2018 Wonkun Jun & Gabriele Obermaier, Kunstverein Ebersberg e.V.
2017 Wonkun Jun, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2017 Wonkun Jun, Kunstverein Junge Kunst, Trier
2017 Wonkun Jun, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2017 Undefinable, Bräuning Contemporary, Hamburg
2017 Wonkun Jun, Galerie Klaus Braun, Stuttgart
2016 Wonkun Jun, Youngen Art Museum, Kyungido, South Korea
2015 Enlightenment, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2015 Wonkun Jun, Galerie Cubus-m, Berlin
2015 Wonkun Jun, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2014 INSIDE OF INSIDE, Bräuning Contemporary, Hamburg
2014 Farbe und Harmonie, Galerie Werner Klein, Köln
2014 Wonkun Jun, Jun Azumatei, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2013 Galerie m Beck, with Dr. Nicolaus Hipp, Homburg/Saar
2013 It´s me that you need, Galerie Cubus-m, Berlin
2013 Speaking in colors, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2012 Untitled2, Projektraum The BOX, Dusseldorf
2012 Wonkun, Jun, Galerie Artary, Stuttgart
2011 Wonkun, Jun – Resonance, Galerie LVS, Seoul, South Korea
2011 Painting and Drawing, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2010 Kunstverein Duisburg, Duisburg
2010 Das Eine und das Andere, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2010 Untitled, Projektraum The BOX, Dusseldorf
2009 season opening, Galerie Katharina Krohn mit Yeunhi, Kim, Basel, Switzerland
2009 dialogue, Galerie Herold im Künstlerhause Güterabfertigung, Bremen
2008 Painting, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2008 Wonkun, Jun solo exhibition, Galerie S, Seoul, South Korea
2008 2 junge Koreaner, Galerie schreier & von metternich fine art, Dusseldorf
2007 Blue-vision, Hankeesook Galerie, Daegu, South Korea
2007 Because..., Galerie ON, Seoul, South Korea
2007 Because..., Galerie im National Goyang art studio, South Korea
2006 Im Raum, Kunstverein Heinsberg
2006 Basic element, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2005 Farbfeld, Galerie Konard Moenter KG, Meerbusch
2005 Neue Bilder, Galerie im Alten Schloss Gaildorf
2004 Abstraktion, Reduktion, Emotion, Galerie im Kultur Forum, Leverkusen
2003 Der stille Klang, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2001 MALEREI, Galerie Konard Mönter KG, Meerbusch
2000 Form, Farben und Facetten mit Andrej Henze, Galerie GRAVÜRE, Essen

Group exhibitions (selection)

2021 konkret-minimal-abstrakt city gallery in Pflegschloss,Schrobenhausen
2021 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Duesseldorf
2020 Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, South Korea
2020 Chang Ucchin Museum of Art Yangju City, South Korea
2020 2000 - 2020, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2020 Vielfalt der Farbe, Galerie Werner Klein, Cologne
2018 Museum of ART Collection, Art Museum Osan, South Korea
2018 Abstract, Galerie Benjamin Ecke, Munich
2017 Clayarch Gimhae Museum Cubic House, Korea
2017 Galerie LVS, Seoul, Korea
2017 Clayarch Gimhae Museum Cubic House, Korea
2017 5, Bräuning Contemporary, Hamburg
2017 Europa Konkret II, März Galerie m beck, Homburg/Saar
2016 Konkrete Kunst im Spiegel der Zeit, Kunstverein Dahn im Alten Rathaus
2016 Tod & Wagnis, Galerie m beck, Homburg /Saar
2016 Abstract mind, CICA Art Museum, South Korea
2015 UNUNSEPTIUM, Galerie Artdepot , Innsbruck, Austria
2015 Korean fusion, Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2014 Artist, Portrait of the aesthetic soul, Kembosung Artcenter, Seoul, South Korea
2014 The Art House of Kuldoga City, Mark Rothko Art Center, Daugavpils Lettland
2014 Wonkun Jun, Barbara Döffler, Salz Dirk, Verein für aktuelle Kunst / Ruhrgebiet e.V., Oberhausen
2014 NEO CODE, Osan Kunstmuseum, Osan, South Korea
2013 Color, Form, Function, Galerie collectors contemporary, Singapore
2013 My Point of View, Galerie Lexington, Busan, South Korea
2013 Who´s afraid of Color, Galerie Kramer Fine Art, Hamburg Artweek
2013 So abstrakt!, Projektraum The Wand, Berlin
2013 Heartbreaker Kunstauktion, K21, Dusseldorf
2013 Alle Jahre wieder, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2012 Power 1, Hankisook Galerie, Daegu, South Korea
2012 Layer Players, Galerie Strzelski, Stuttgart
2012 25. Mainzer Kunstpreis Eigenturm 2012, Mainz
2012 Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2011 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2011 Künstler der Galerie, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2011 WonkunJun, ChunmoNam ,Sengtaik,chang, Toingin Auction Galerie, Seoul
2010 Toingin Auction Galerie, Seoul, South Korea
2010 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2009 Weiss auf weiss, Galerie schreier & von metternich fine art, Dusseldorf
2009 Wonderful pictures, ILMIN Kunstmuseum Seoul, South Korea
2009 Kunstpreis Sezession, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
2009 Jahresrückblick und Überraschung, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2008 Schwarz – Weiss, Galerie schreier & von metternich fine art, Dusseldorf
2008 Zur Kunst erklärt, kunstraumno.10, Mönchengladbach
2008 Gegenstandslos, Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung e.V., Bonn
2007 Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf
2007 Studio open, Galerie in der Goyang national artstudio, South Korea
2007 Galerie Gainro, South Korea, Seoul
2006 Ellwanger Kunstausstellung 2006, Kunstverein Ellwangen
2006 Große Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Villa Kobe, Halle (Saale)
2003 Galerie der Kulturfabrik mit Chun und Katarina, Krefeld
2003 STANDORT WECHSEL, Stadthalle Detmold, Detmold
2003 Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland
2002 Der Warteraum Schwarz, Rot und Gold, Atelier am Eck, Dusseldorf
2002 Nacht der Museen, Galerie am Stadtmuseum, Marlies Fischer-Zöller, Dusseldorf
2001 Stiftung von BILA DE BANK, Enschede, Netherlands
2001 EMPRISE ART AWARD 2001, NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Dusseldorf
Scholarships and grants
2016 Residence program Youngen Art Museum, Kyungido, South Korea
2013 Residence Mark Rothko Artcenter, Daugavpils, Latvia
2006-2007 living studio scholarship The National Art Studio, Goyang, South Korea
2004-2005 scholarship city painter Gaildorf
2000 award for the picture "Alles im Fluß", Plasmaselect, Munich


Kunstmuseum Kunstpalast Dusseldorf
NRW Kunstsammlung
Youngen Artmuseum
Konkuk University Medical Center
Kyunghee University
Hansol Hospital
PlasmaSelect AG Munich
Mark Rothko Art Center
Stadthalle Gaildorf